So today I'm blogging about whatever John tells me to blog about. He told me not to include any jokes about the holocaust, which really ruins any material I had planned as a back-up.
He told me to blog about my epic quest to find a new twitter thumbnail. OKIES!
So a few hours ago I thought "hey, I should probably find a new twitter picture." The reason this thought passed through my head is because my current one is boring and old and has me with hair in it so it's inaccurate. I searched for about 2 minutes, couldn't find anything interesting so I gave up. The End.
Seeing as that isn't a very riveting/long post, he asked me to blog about something else:
John Lacey says: I think you should write about your favourite confectionery.
Good idea, Jonathon! =D

My favourite candy is (are?) Fruit Tingles. Possibly the greatest thing ever is that I can remember the exact moment I fell in love with Fruit Tingles. I read a tweet from sarahheartsny about them, and I remember having this incredible craving for Fruit Tingles. I went out and got some, and since then they have never failed me in being awesome. At one point I was quite addicted to them and consumed a few packets a day. That made me quite sick and I've dropped a fair bit since then. My favourite are the greens, followed by the pinks, multi-coloured, orange and yellow. They are so yummy. If you want to win my heart, buy me a life time supply of fruit tingles.

And all this talk of Fruit Tingles has got me thinking of Zelda. Through the character Tingle. This is how my mind works. It finds the most subtle reference to video games and creates a link. It's not healthy, especially when you're trying to convince people you're cool.
Oh look, it's just gone over midnight. Shame. Oh well, I'm stilling blogging on a regular basis. Tis alright. =D
Okies a question. umms. I'll give you a few because they will probably be pointles XD
Q: If I bought you many many fruit tingles but secretly took out all of the green ones and fed them to a polar bear (obviously one that could cope with epic multiple green sweetness), would you still love me?
Q: The Killers or John Green [I don't know about you, but i'd find this question SO hard. lol]
Q: How's the hair situation? Is it growing? =]
<3 <3 <3
Fruit Tingles eh.
Oh Mitto I should be getting ready to leave my house.. not reading blog entries. hehehe. Have a good day kiddo.
I wouldn't say it is my favorite candy, but fruit tingle is delicious! My grandfather always have some on the table next to his viagra online
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