Friday, April 3, 2009

Pretty Girls, The Sequel: Unpretty Girls. [BEDA #3]

I'm really tired, but I have to blog. BEDA is going to be the end of me. Possibly.

So a few days ago a few people whose blogs I read (namely Hayley Gee and Rohan) posted a list of things which they find attractive and unattractive in the guys and girls (respectively). This is funny because just the day before, I posted a list of really small, petty things which I find pretty in girls. That post was basically just pointing out all the small, weird things which make my heart beat a little faster. But I didn't post the things that I find unattractive. So here we go.

Girls are unpretty:

when they swear. (Honestly, I want to unfollow certain girls on twitter because of their fowl language. Completely turns me off and make me not even want to know her.)
when they smoke. (I will never ever date a smoker. This rule is carved in stone.)
when they do any sort of drug.
when they don't look after themself. (Includes generally being healthy)
when they don't have any direction with their life.
when they have no confidence or self-esteem in themself.
when they are over-confident in themself.
when they wear exhibitionist clothes. By that I mean clothes that are screaming for me to look at the girl sinfully. Seriously girls, dress modestly and you won't have boys staring at your chest. If you don't show us anything we can't be tempted. So please stop tempting us, it's annoying.

There's way more than that, but as I said I'm tired which means I can't think very well. So I'll end it here. Also, I have 8 minutes to publish this blog before the day is over. Better do that right now.

1 comment:

John Lacey said...

Well as long as you're not being judgmental... =P