Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Six Ugh's of Life [BEDA #9]

Ugh #1: Updating your blog on a daily basis is horrendous when you lead such a boring life that I do. I seriously have nothing to update about, but I'm not going to let that get in the way of me losing this game. Because BEDA is now a game and everything. Oh, and you just lost the game. I can't believe I just said that. BUT THE RULE IS YOU NEED TO ANNOUNCE IT. I'M JUST PLAYING BY THE RULES. DON'T HATE ME.

Ugh #2: I have no self-control. You know when you go get KFC and you feel so good while doing it, but as soon as you're done you realise how crap it is for your body and you start feeling really sick? Well, that's happening to me right now. Metaphorically. I'm in the crudscones stage.

Ugh #3: I got a 'Not Yet Competent' on my first cluster. Brilliant. I only have to redo 3 parts though. Apparently
"it looks worse than it is."I don't know what that is supposed to mean, but what the hey. Thank you God for redo's! =P

Ugh #4: It's 1am in the morning and I have to be up in the morning. My sleeping pattern is so terribly out of whack at the moment. I should fix that.

Ugh #5: My blog is still the default everything. I just can't be bothered making it look pretty, I've never been into all that sorta stuff. Some people froth over it but it just ticks me off. haha.

Ugh#6: I won't have anything to update with for the next few days, the next day anything interesting happens to me is on Sunday (so stay tuned!) So I guess for tomorrow I'll do that questions thing that everyone's doing! Leave your questions in comments or something. Yeah.


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