A month ago I bought Final Fantasy IV and Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift for $30 each from GAMETRADERS ROBINAAAAH. Whatabargain! I've only played TA2 for about an hour (It was a great hour too - I'm really looking forward to starting it properly), I've spent nearly 20 hours slobbering over my Nintendo DS at IV. This game is marvelous in so many ways, even for Final Fantasy standards. I'm even going as far as saying it's my second favourite Final Fantasy game (VIII just trumping it, being my first FF game and consequently making me a fan of the series). But then again, I'm still not finished IV and the ending can make or break a video game.
This game pretty much combines my favourite elements from various Final Fantasies, makes me fall madly in love with it, and then sends me a boquet of roses every week, once a month sending them growing out of a dead kitten. That is, I love it to pieces but there's just a few things which tick me off occasionally.
First, what I like about it:
Active Time Battles - FFIV was the first game to ever try the ATB system, and they seemingly nailed it first off the bat. I acknowledge that I am playing a remake (from 2008, the original created for the SNES in 1991), but from what I hear the ATB system isn't altered very much. The turn-based system in FFX is ultimately it's biggest letdown I believe, Active Time battles are just so much more exilherating and have you on your feet. Whereas it doesn't really make sense having turn-based battles. "Okay, I hit you. Now it's your turn to hit me!"
Character driven Plot - There is one thing I cannot stand about the original FF game, FFI (I played the Dawn of Souls version for the GBA until I lost it.) and that's the lame characters. There is no attempt to form a connection between the player and the characters, they didn't even give them names! Just Fighter, Black Mage etc. I love losing myself in these games and character development really aides this. Granted mostly all the FF games since FFI have had character development, even in the slightest, but IV does it beautifully. This time round, Square seems to have a fetish for making you fall in love with a character and then killing them off. In this picture above this text, up to the part I'm at, 6 of these characters have been killed and all but two have been presumed dead at some stage (I've only just met one). Way to play with my fragile heart. They even killed off two characters in the space of five minutes. Seriously guys, I felt like crying.
Difficulty - ZOMG THIS GAME IS SO HARD. I've attempted some bosses time and time again, trying to beat them. Most bosses will take me more than one shot because the first time I fail dramatically as I try to figure out what the heck is going on and what their technique is. I once died 6 times in a dungeon, just battling normal enemies! And I love it. I love a challenge. It gets really boring and repetitive if you can beat everything without trying. In FFIV, if you don't heal every turn in most battles, you're screwed. It keeps you thinking and really helps this installment stand above others.
Amano Art - The characters were designed by Yoshitaka Amano, who is an amazing artist. The picture to the right is Amano's design for Kain. Although I am usually a fan of Tetsuya Nomura's characters (VII, VIII, X, etc), they all just seem the same. Amano's characters are all unique and beautifully crafted. What? I'm appericiating art? Let's move hastily along.
This Line right here:
Oh, and the bad? I just find myself looking at the minimap instead of the actual game when in dungeons, making sure I scale every single inch of every single room so I get my cool reward. And that it's so freaking hard. :|
And to think, it was the fourth FF game Square made. I hope they're really not losing touch!
And to think, it was the fourth FF game Square made. I hope they're really not losing touch!
I read this whole thing.
I sighed once finished.
I would very much like to read more, so you can affect my opinion of things and create a bias that I will hold until someone does a better job than you.
My first introduction on the Final Fantsy series was FFVI on the Super Nintendo. I really didn't play FFIV but I watched my friends in the ending of the game. Great game worth every penny. Also I can recommend you Generic Viagra to have a better expirience.
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