Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Skype list thingy

These are notes addressed to anonymous people on my skype list:

1. We haven't talked much, but when we have it was lots of fun. Let's do it more often.

2. I don't understand what some people have against you, you're a nice person.

3. You disappeared. Come back. Nao. You're great.

4. You're such a cool person, I just plain love you. You're so thoughtful.

5. I always love talking to you, we get along great and you're lots of fun. Plus we could pretty much have a conversation without even talking because we seem to always know what the other one is about to say.

6. You're seriously one of my favourite people. I love the way your mind works and how you just have a way with words.

7. You're also one of my favourite people. I wish we lived near each other because we'd have so much fun.

8. I don't know where I'd be without you. Honestly, I am who I am today because you're a part of my life.

9. I'd really like to talk to you, but just never find the timing to be right. You're really awesome and I think we'd get along.

10. You've been such a great friend to me in these last few months. You have no idea how much you've inspired me and how grateful I am to even know you. Thank you. <3

11. We get along really well, but we barely ever talk. I want to be your friend. nao.

12. The only reason I have you added is because I thought it would be cool having you added. I don't actually even like you. We've never talked. I'm deleting you right now.

13. I've learned so much from you, and it's great having you as a friend.

14. You're the one person I want to meet the most in the entire world.

15. Why won't skype let us talk? I'd really like to know you. =(

16. I think I know who you are, but we've never really talked and you don't really strike me as someone I'd be interested in getting to know.

17. You're not exactly online much, but you're so much fun to talk to when you are occasionally on.

18. Again, another person who I'd get along with but we just never talk. What's with that man?

19. We've talked once or twice and you're a nice kid, I just don't think you think too highly of me.

20. You have so much love to give, so many smiles to share and you're always there for me. I look up to you so much and I can't wait until you're here in a month. =)

21. I guess you're pretty cool. I don't know you well enough to do one of these for you though.


John Lacey said...

You really don't know how many people on your Skype list you don't actually talk to until you do one of these things. I don't think I will. It might be a tad depressing. lol.

Since I don't really know what "Nao" means I'm going to exclaim the capcha code. FULATO! lol

Anonymous said...

aww, i wish i had skype so you could post nice things, or not so nice things bout me. lol
hope everything is good for you.