Saturday, May 24, 2008


There is a direct relationship between the speed of internet and form of blogging.

Meaning, the slower my internet is, the less videos I upload and the more text blogging I do. Obviously because this takes much less bandwidth and time. But right now, I'm sort of in the middle of speeds. I'm still on dial up, but I also access broadband at the church on occasions if I'm there, and I have reason to believe that I'm getting broadband internet at home FINALLY on Tuesday. Though this news is coming from Telstra, and I'm not actually believing it until I have it.

So right now, I'm in the middle of two speeds. I'm at that exact moment were I don't seem to be video blogging at all, or text blogging! My online social life is completely disappearing! I've filmed a vlog, but I just can't upload it. Maybe Tuesday, we'll see.

But I also don't even have anything to text blog about. So blah.


halfscottishguy said...

sounds more like a bell curve than a direct correlation.

mittopotahis said...

Very true. You and your mathematical technicalities.

Inverted bell curve, though.