Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Pro's and Con's of Having Hair (or, the lack thereof.)

Last night my hair was all shaved off for charity. Two other friends were along side me and altogether we earned over $260. I'm so happy with that result.

But it left me with a predicament, that being I now have no hair. I quite like my hair, or at least I did. It was a real travesty to see it go, so in memory of it I've composed the following list.

The Top 5 Unbest Things about Not Having Hair.

5. People always want to feel my head. Keep your dirty paws offa me, kids! I don't like being touched, especially on my head.
4. I have these two freckles on my forehead which are quite ugly. Luckily my hair has always covered them. Now they're quite prominent and pronounced and confidence-lowering.
3. No longer can I hide behind my fringe. I used to use it as a defensive mechanism, sort of like a turtle retreating into it's shell with the threat of danger. Now I'm just vulnerable.
2. My shadow looks really odd without hair. This is surprisingly infuriating for me, whenever I see my shadow I want to step on it's head because it looks so bad. Unfortunately this is mostly impossible unless it is midday.
1. I look bad with short hair. Oh look at that, the worst thing to do with the haircut is the looks. Shut it. I'm vain and need hair to cover the fact that I'm as ugly as a rat. Now everyone can see and I don't like it.

Maybe I'm just looking at this in the wrong light. Maybe (definitely) I had decided I didn't like me without my hair before it was even gone. Maybe I'm just a whingy annoying so-and-so who can't see the good in any situation if he doesn't want to.

The Top 5 Anti-unbest Things about Not Having Hair.
5. When I rub my head, the hair moves about at the base and is quite stimulating. Much like a massage, very nice.
4. It's quite warm where I live, and not having hair makes a big difference.
3. Man it feels good running. No wind-resistance, no flopping about. I imagine it's the same feeling a dog has when it sticks it's head out of the car window. I wouldn't know, I haven't done it yet, but I can imagine.
2. It's very low-maintenance. Normally it's very oily and needs lots of shampooing and all that jazz. But this is awesome, and it dries in no time! You know how ducks have that coating on their feathers which causes them to not get wet? It's like my hair has that when short.
1. Everyone has seemed completely sincere with their compliments. Whether it's "it looks really good!" or "You suit short hair" or "it doesn't look bad", I can tell they're being truthful about it. Also, not one person has said to me "I prefer it longer". Not one! (Except me.) That's a real self-esteem boost for me.

When it comes down to it, I don't like having such short hair but it does have it's positives. I guess I only have to live with it for a few months before it grows back. I should just grow up and deal with it. :)


John Lacey said...

I am willing to bet you are teh sexy with or without hair (even if you won't let me rub your head for luck). You did a good thing and you are a wonderful human being. And you know, you are not your hair.


[Only virtual hugs since I was told not to touch you earlier. Heh.]


killertoothbrush said...

It annoy me that some girl in my paper maid $1500 just for dieing her hair.
But you were real men! (were you all men?) lol