I found myself in the biggest crowd I've ever seen in my life. Who would ever think that a single band could attract so many people, even if they were The Beatles? I shuffled through the crowd, behind a divider and took my allocated seat. Closer to the back than the front, but I could still see if Paul McCartney realised that his last step was on his right foot and wanted to put forward his right foot again but felt awkward so had to do that little shuffle. Rohan was right behind and took the seat to the right of me.
I was never a HUGE Beatles fan, but sure they've made some wonderful music in the past. I don't know why I went to a Beatles concert, especially when there was only two of the original band still remaining, but you know. Dreams do that to you.
There was some pre-show entertainment going on. A sort of large, black lady was about 10 rows in making some crowd interaction. She looked like the bastard child of my old primary school Japanese teacher, Ms. McCabe (Who insisted we called her Sensei Mekaibu) and Opera. Oh, did I mention her name was Maureen Johnson? That's right, Marueen Johnson's black in my dreams. Rohan hyperventilated.
And finally, the show begun! I dashed to the front and somehow managed to get into the front row of moshers. I saw them all, John Lennon (who sort of looked like Juan Mann, now that I think about it), Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, that other dude. They were all there! I thought they had died, but apparently my dream had other intentions. They immediately started playing a song, one I didn't know. But it was amazing. In fact it was so amazing I began singing the words. I became one of those fangirls you see on tv whenever there is a Beatles special on. I was screaming with my hands out, wishing one of them would just bless me with a touch of their hand. I passed out from being extreme and woke up in my bed. Confused I got up, opened my laptop, logged on to Blogspot and began recalling the crazy dream I just had.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Natalie Imbruleigha has a great song about this sort of situation

I'm not sure how to feel about something.
The kinks on the YouTube Insight Demographics seem to be flattening out. I no longer have a 100% male audience all between the age of 18-25. As I post this, my audience is sitting at a nice, healthy 63% female audience, with approximately 65% of all viewers between 0-18. And that's where it should be. Maybe I could have a bit more chicks watching though. If i work out how, there will be a screenshot so I don't have to explain anymore.
I feel very torn about how I'm supposed to feel. You see, I'm very happy that a good 80% of my 0-18 and 18-25 age brackets are female. It means I'm a stud to girls my own age. Score. But the opens the question: where are all the guys?
They're down in the older areas. Honestly, 95% of my senior viewing (meaning anyone OVER THE AGE OF 55) are men. HORNY OLD SWEATY MEN ON PENSIONS.
And I really don't know if they cancel each other out or not.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
What social life?
1. | university (noun) | |
Once a mechanism whereby smart people could raise themselves above humble beginnings and obtain a worthwhile qualification indicating a high probability of being employable. Now a complete con to get kids with high hopes into insurmountable amounts of debt before they even think about buying a house.. then they discover that the job they trained for was entirely fictitious, and they'll have to take any job they can get. At this point, they realise they should have gone into benefit fraud and drug dealing like all their "stupid" friends, who now have houses, cars and big screen TVs. That's pretty much it, hey? I'd like to thank urban dictionary for that wonderful definition! Although it probably should have said something about not giving you a life. Like it is doing to me right now. I have exams starting this Saturday for a week, so wish me luck plzkthx =) |
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